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Retired Officer Reveals FEMA Camp Preparations Are Underway Now

A retired officer has revealed that a civilian containment FEMA camp is currently being set-up in California in preparation to imprison civilians en masse. These camps are going to be used to gather political dissidents and activists who speak out against the government. Currently, there are hundreds of FEMA camps across the US which are fully operational and ready to take in prisoners at any moment. They are staffed by full time guards and usually empty.

US Orchestrated Holocaust Puts 20 Million Lives At Risk In Yemen

Over 20 million lives are at risk from violence, starvation and lack of medical care in Yemen due to the ongoing US orchestrated holocaust currently being conducted in the country.  A UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) report downplayed the ongoing catastrophe by undercounting civilian casualties since conflict began last March 2015. SteveLendmanBlog reports: The world community remains largely indifferent, ignoring an entire population at risk. Millions may perish before conflict ends. Nothing is being done to prevent it. Fighting shows no signs of abating.

"The Jihadists Will Attack Europe": Leaked Phone Call Shows Gaddafi Warned Tony Blair Of Terror Attacks

On Wednesday, we took a close look at the battle for Libya’s oil.

Libya, much like Syria, is a case study in why the West would be better off not intervening in the affairs of sovereign states on the way to bringing about regime change. “Toppling dictators” sounds good in principle, but at the end of the day, it’s nearly impossible to predict what will emerge from the power vacuums the US creates when Washington destabilizes governments.

Report Says United States Set To Collapse After 2016 Civil War

A Russian Security Council (SCRF) report suggests that 2016 will be the year that the government of the United States completely collapses, following a civil war amongst its citizens. The report says that the collapse of both the United States and Saudi Arabia governments will occur in 2016 as a result of mass revolts against the corruption these governments rule by, which will then lead to a global era of “unprecedented instability”.
