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Did China Just Clear The Way For A Mid-East Intervention With Passage Of New Anti-Terror Law?

We and others have long wondered how long it would be before China looks to flex its military muscle in the Mid-East under the “war on terror” banner. 

Xi has been especially keen on demonstrating the PLA’s growing influence in 2015 especially as it relates to Beijing’s maritime might. Anyone who follows geopolitics is likely well acquainted with China’s land reclamation efforts in the Spratlys, where dredgers have been busy constructing some 3,000 acres of new sovereign territory on which Xi is building a number of things including runways and ports. 

Notorious ISIS Judge Killed In Coalition Bombing

News reports indicate that the notorious ‘Slaughterer of Mosul’ has been killed during air-strikes on ISIS in Iraq. ABNA reports: Local sources in Nineveh Province report that international coalition jets pounded ISIS positions in western neighbourhoods of Mosul on Saturday, killing a notorious judge from the ISIS court. ISIS Judge Abdullah Saffah, known as Abu Hafsa, was killed during the intense aerial raid. He was responsible for implementing Law in Mosul and had sentenced scores of people to death and stoning. He was known as “The Slaughterer of Mosul” by locals.

European Cities On High Alert For New Year Terror Attacks

The police in Vienna have warned that European cities face the very real possibility of a terrorist attack during the New Year celebrations.  As a result of credible intelligence, police forces across Europe are ramping up their security measures for the New Year. “Several possible names of potential attackers were mentioned, which were checked, and the investigation based on (these checks) has so far yielded no concrete results,” Vienna police said in a statement.
