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Israel Supports Islamic Terrorists

Israel claims that it’s in a mortal struggle with Islamic terrorists …

But as we reported last year, the Israeli military has admitted to supporting Syrian Islamic jihadis. And see this.

Last week, Daily Mail journalists embedded with Israeli troops reported:

Almost every night, Israeli troops run secret missions to save the lives of Syrian fighters, all of whom are sworn enemies of the Jewish state.




President Obama To Give "Update" On ISIS - Live Feed

President Obama To Give "Update" On ISIS - Live Feed

Having crushed the "greatest global threat" over the weekend with a "bullshit" deal, President Obama turns his attention back to that other thing... the war on terror. In a statement which will, in The White House's words, "update the nation on the US campaign to Degrade and Destroy ISIL," Obama will, we are sure, explain why they didn't bomb ISIS' oil facilities, why they are still allies with Saudi Arabia, why Russia's "success" is just propaganda, and how awesome the US-based coalition is (as opposed to the bad guys, which includes Putin).
