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China To Deploy Elite Troops In Syria To Fight Alongside Assad's Army

China To Deploy Elite Troops In Syria To Fight Alongside Assad's Army

According to multiple reports in Middle East regional sources, China plans to send elite military units to Syria to advise and assist the Syrian Army in an attempt to root out the country's terrorist insurgency, especially Chinese Islamist foreign fighters who have shown up in increasing numbers in Syria's north since the start of the conflict.

Bosnian-Croat War Criminal Dies After Drinking Poison In Hague Court

Bosnian-Croat War Criminal Dies After Drinking Poison In Hague Court

A Bosnian Croat wartime commander died on Wednesday shortly after he drank poison, seconds after U.N. appeals judges upheld his 20-year sentence for war crimes against Bosnian Muslims.

Slobodan Praljak, 72, a former wartime leader, tilted back his head and took a swing from a flask or glass as the judge read out the verdict. The man’s defense lawyer then told the court that the accused had “taken poison.” The presiding judge stopped the proceedings and ordered a doctor to be called, Reuters reports.

Caught On Video: ISIS-Driven "Jihadimobile" Explodes In Massive Fireball

Editor's note: The confrontation depicted in the video below is 100% authentic.

In a showdown that demonstrated the destructive power of ISIS-aligned suicide bombers, a tank manned by Iraqi Shia fighters appeared to trigger a massive explosion when it pointed its muzzle at a rickety pickup truck packed to the brim with explosives. First, militia soldiers try to stop the truck with small-arms fire. Then the truck, presumably driven by ISIS fighters, advances toward the tank.

This Is How The Islamic State Stored Its Stolen Oil

Amid efforts to liberate the Iraq region from ISIS, the local army has discovered new details about how the terrorists operated, including their logistical infrastructure in stolen oil (which as a reminder was sold to Turkey in general and Erdogan in particular). A recently emerged video shows secret underground repositories of black gold, which the terrorists were presumably forced to create to hide their stolen wealth from the anti-terrorist coalition.
