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Another False Flag Terror ADMISSION: Snipers In the Ukraine “Protests”

Another False Flag Terror ADMISSION: Snipers In the Ukraine “Protests”

Snipers Fired At BOTH Police and Protesters In Ukraine

Remember the protests in Ukraine which led to the old leader being replaced?

If you’ll recall,  the ruthless slaughter of people by snipers was the event which turned world opinion against the Ukrainian Prime Minister, and resulted in him having to flee the country.

Italy’s 11th largest newspaper – Il Giornale – reported on an admission by several of the snipers (Google translation) :

Pepe Escobar Live From Baghdad: The Secret Of Iraq's Renaissance

Pepe Escobar Live From Baghdad: The Secret Of Iraq's Renaissance

Authored by Pepe Escobar of The Asia Times, via,

BAGHDAD – On a sandstorm-swept morning in Baghdad earlier last week, Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, the legendary deputy leader of Hashd al-Shaabi, a.k.a. People Mobilization Units (PMUs) and the actual mastermind of numerous ground battles against ISIS/Daesh, met a small number of independent foreign journalists and analysts.
