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What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

In 2010, shortly after Hillary Clinton assumed her position as Secretary of State in the Obama administration, the FBI broke up a deep-cover Russian spy ring that had been operating in the U.S. for decades.  The operation, code named "Ghost Stories," was a huge bust for the FBI that handed the U.S.

How The Military Defeated Trump's Insurgency

How The Military Defeated Trump's Insurgency

Via Moon of Alabama blog,

Trump was seen as a presidential candidate who would possibly move towards a less interventionist foreign policy.

That hope is gone. The insurgency that brought Trump to the top was defeated by a counter-insurgency campaign waged by the U.S. military. (Historically its first successful one).

The military has taken control of the White House process and it is now taking control of its policies.
