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The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

By Chris at

That will never happen!

Much to the consternation of the little men in that incestuous, insular, politically inbred, inward looking place called Washington DC, young Kim is firing rockets into the air to much fanfare in his desperately poor paradise.

This week, the UN security council unanimously approved sanctions against the naughty boy north of Seoul. Stupid, stupid (which I'll come to in a moment)!

Meet The Mercers - The Most Powerful Family You've Never Heard Of

Meet The Mercers - The Most Powerful Family You've Never Heard Of

Authored by Alex Thomas via,

History is full of powerful families that have left their mark on the political and economic systems of their age. During the Italian Renaissance, there were the Borgias and Medicis. In the United States, a number of families have realized America is not only the land of opportunity but also the land of wealth and dynastic power. We’ve had the Astors and Rockefellers, and even the Rothschilds have a foothold in the American power system.

A New Jacksonian Era? Part 2

A New Jacksonian Era? Part 2

Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

In Part One of this article I documented the populist administration of Andrew Jackson and similarities to Donald Trump’s populist victory in the recent election. I’ll now try to assess the chances of a Trump presidency accomplishing its populist agenda.

The Trumpian Era
