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Hundreds Rally Against Trump’s ‘Hate’ Speech At AIPAC Conference

Hundreds of people including rabbis and Jewish religious leaders, have taken to the streets of Washington, DC to demonstrate against an upcoming speech by Republican front-runner Donald Trump. Trump is due to address the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference on Monday night. The protest was organised by two rabbis David Paskin and Jesse Olitzky,  who dubbed it “Come Together Against Hate”-  the conference’s motto is “Come Together.” RT reports: “We denounce in the strongest possible terms the bigotry, racism, xenophobia, and misogyny expressed by Mr.

Shiite Militia Demand Withdrawal Of US ‘Occupying Forces’ In Iraq

Shiite militia forces in Iraq have strongly opposed the new deployment of US troops to the country. The Iranian backed militias have warned that if Washington does not withdraw its forces “immediately,” they will deal with them “as forces of occupation.” The Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia, known as the League of the Righteous, issued the warning after it emerged the US had sent an undisclosed number marines to aid Iraqi forces as they try to retake Mosul.
