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White House

"You Know What You Did": Scaramucci Punked By Email Spoofer Pretending To Be Priebus

The first two times infamous email spoofer @SINON_REBORN struck, the UK was scandalized when first Barclays CEO Jes Staley, then the head of the BOE, Mark Carney himself, were duped into lengthy email conversations with the "prankster" as the FT reported at the time. Staley, thinking he was being emailed by Barclays chair John McFarlane, offered his effusive praise to his respondent, saying among other things that he had "all the fearlessness of Clapton." Carney, in turn, responded to emails from the imposter pretending to be Anthony Habgood, the chairman of the court of the BoE.

New White House Leak to WaPo Over Trump Jr.-Russian Meeting is Backhanded Slap to the Face of Gen. Kelly

Content originally published at

HAHAHAHAHA -- Scaramucci is gone and the General is in, so you thought the leaks would end.


This might be one of the worst leaks yet. Or, you might want to simply call it 'fake news.' Either way, General Kelly will have his hands full at the Trump White House, which appears to be populated with the scummiest people on the face of the planet -- real self-fellatiors.

Scaramucci Listed As Dead In Latest Harvard Alumni Directory

It was a bad day for Anthony Scaramucci: first the Mooch was fired just ten days after he was first hired, in the brief process getting served with divorce papers and missing the birth of his baby while unleashing a bizarre rant for the ages, and then shortly after, his now former boss, the president of the US, the same one who earlier said there was no chaos at the White House, tweeted that it was "A great day at the White House"

In this case, one of the responses to the Trump tweet was substantially more informative than the original:

Watch Live: Sarah Sanders Attempts To Explain What The Hell Is Going On At The White House

Update: Following comments from McMaster and Mnuchin on Venezuelan sanctions, pretty much every question at today's White House press briefing was related to Scaramucci's sudden dismissal. And while Sanders made it clear early on that she wasn't going to offer any incremental details beyond the official statement released earlier, it didn't stop pretty much every reporter from asking the exact same quetion over and over.

