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White House

In Early Concession, Trump Plans Meeting With GOP, Democrat Leaders

In Early Concession, Trump Plans Meeting With GOP, Democrat Leaders

In what appears to be the first major concession to Congressional Republican (and Democrat) leaders from the confrontational, "post-Phoenix rally" Trump, whose vow to "build that Wall" even if it means shutting down the government has spooked markets and sent Oct 12 T-Bill yields surging, Politico reports that the president is quietly organizing a meeting with McConnell and Ryan as well as Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi shortly after the August recess ends.

Bannon's Revenge: Breitbart Threatens To "Rally Votes For Impeachment" If Trump Moves Left

Bannon's Revenge: Breitbart Threatens To "Rally Votes For Impeachment" If Trump Moves Left

Last Friday Bannon boldly declared: "I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents... on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America." 

But, according to a new note from Vanity Fair, that "war" could end up ensnaring the President himself should he decide to succumb to what Bannon views as intense internal White House pressure, from the likes of Jared Kushner, Ivanka and Gary Cohn, among others, to move to the Left on key policy issues.

Bannon: "The Trump Presidency That We Fought For Is Over"

In his first interview shortly after the White House announced that it was parting ways with Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon told the Weekly Standard on Friday afternoon that "the Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over." After confirming his departure Bannon said that “we still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”

Former Breitbart Employee Says Bannon Firing 'The Worst Nightmare' for Globalists

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Investigative journalist and former Breitbart employee, Lee Stranahan, offered a quick quip on today's news that Bannon has resigned from the White House, suggesting that Steve would 'unleash the beast' through his online publication and call out those working against the Trump agenda in the White House.
