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9/11 Study Concludes “Fire Could Not Have Caused Collapse”

Preliminary results of a two-year University of Alaska Fairbanks 9/11 study looking into the destruction of World Trade Center 7 indicates that “office fires” could not possibly have caused the collapse. In May 2015, a team of researchers began the two-year engineering investigation of the collapse of WTC7. Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and two Ph.D. research assistants partnered with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. “We will investigate the collapse. We probably will not be able to tell them what caused it, but I could tell them what did not,” Hulsey told MintPress in 2015. The preliminary results of the two-year study have now been released. During an interview at the Justice In Focus Symposium, Hulsey said that the team has already investigated the official narrative that fire caused the building’s collapse – and they have dismissed it as false. “It is our preliminary conclusions, based upon our work to date, that fire did not produce the failure at this particular building.” The researchers are used finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse. “I am approaching it like most forensic engineers would. We’re looking at the structure [...]

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