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Anti Radical Islam Student Hacked To Death In Bangladesh

A 28-year-old student activist was hacked and shot to death by three motorcycle-riding assailants in Bangladesh’s capital, according to police. The attackers believed to be radical Islamists pounced on the secular blogger as he walked with a friend along the streets of Dhaka. Mail Online reports: The killing on Wednesday night follows a string of similar attacks last year, when at least five secular bloggers and publishers were killed, allegedly by radical Islamists. Police suspect 28-year-old Nazimuddin Samad was targeted for his outspoken atheism in the Muslim-majority country and for supporting a 2013 movement to demand capital punishment for war crimes involving the independence war against Pakistan in 1971, according to Dhaka Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Nurul Amin. No group immediately claimed responsibility. The assailants, who had been riding a single motorcycle, escaped after the assault while shouting, “Allahu Akbar,” or “Allah is great.” Fellow students and friends of Samad rallied at the state-run Jagannath University, where Samad was studying law and had attended class the evening of the attack. “This is very sad for us. We are trying whatever we can do to support the family during such difficult time,” university proctor Nur Mohammad said. People also flooded Samad’s [...]