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Assange Releases Full 19-Page Testimony In Alleged Swedish "Rape Case" - "I Am Entirely Innocent"

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has once again defied Swedish authorities by releasing his full 19-page testimony that was previously turned over to investigators last month.  Among other things, the testimony includes several text messages, being revealed for the first time, from his accuser which he claims serve to prove his innocence.

Of course, Assange has maintained that the rape allegations, for which no official charges have been filed, are simply a cover for a larger legal case from the United States.  In his statement, Assange asserts that sex with the woman, identified only as SW, whom he met while giving a speech in Stockholm, was “clearly consensual sex between adults.”  He further asserts that the woman was an overzealous fan who did not intend to accuse him of rape, but was later goaded to market her story for publicity after police had acted.

In a preamble to his full statement, Assange asserts that he is "entirely innocent" and, despite being urged by Swedish authorities to keep the details of the investigation secret, he felt it was important for the "people to know the truth about how abusive this process has been."  Per The Hill:

“I want people to know the truth about how abusive this process has been,” Assange wrote in a preamble to his statement, which was published by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


“Furthermore, in the past the prosecution has fed partial information to tabloids that politically oppose me,” he added. “It is better that my statement, which I am happy with, and which makes it obvious to all that I am innocent, sees the light in full.”


“I am entirely innocent,” he claimed.


Meanwhile, new text messages sent by Assange's accuser, if proven accurate, do seem to indicate that the police. and not the woman in question, were the ones to have pushed for charges.


If true, of course, this statement only serves to raise new questions surrounding the mysterious circumstances under which Assange has been subjected to, in his words, "unlawful, politicized detention" and "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment."

You have subjected me to six years of unlawful, politicized detention without charge in prison, under house arrest and four and a half years at this embassy. You should have asked me this question six years ago. Your actions in refusing to take my statement for the last six years have been found to be unlawful by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and by the Swedish Court of Appeal. You have been found to have subjected me to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. You have denied me effective legal epresentation in this process. Despite this, I feel compelled to cooperate even though you are not safeguarding my rights.

Just some of the many consequences of reporting "fake news"...


The full statement from Julian Assange can be viewed here: