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Benghazi Investigation Implicates President Obama

U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy has confirmed that orders were given to military aid in Benghazi to “stand down”, implicating President Obama in the scandal.  The U.S. had rescue teams ready during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but the President prevented them from acting. PJ Media reports: This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back. Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks. Wood told Attkisson that Special Forces (the ones mentioned in the “spinning up” email from Jeremy Bash) were on their way to Benghazi, but were ordered to turn back. “Those individuals I know loaded aircraft and got on their way to Benghazi to respond to that incident. They were not allowed to [...]