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Bernie Sanders Beats Hillary Clinton In Indiana Primary

Bernie Sanders has defeated his rival Hillary Clinton in Indiana’s crucial Democratic primary. He beat Clinton by at least seven points in what the mainstream media has called a ‘major upset’. The US Democratic presidential hopeful’s victory on Tuesday has boosted his argument that the party’s superdelegates should support him in July’s Democratic convention. Press TV reports: The senator was ahead of the former secretary of state by 52.5 percent to 47.5 percent with about three quarters of precincts reporting. “We feel great about tonight, not only in winning here in Indiana…but also gaining the momentum we need to take us to the finish line,” Sanders said at a Tuesday night press conference. “I sense some great deal of momentum, I sense some great victories coming.” He said he would make history in America through upsetting Clinton’s campaign and defeating Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump in November election. “I think we can pull off one of the great political upsets in the history of the United States and in fact become the nominee for the Democratic Party and once we secure that position, I have absolute confidence that we are going to defeat Donald Trump in the general election,” he noted. [...]