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Bill Maher Speaks Out Against ‘Dangerous’ Vaccines

Bill Maher has spoken out against the dangers of vaccines, pointing out that Big Pharma and the mainstream media attack anybody who questions the safety of the vaccination agenda.  Maher pointed out in 2009 that people are labeled simply for questioning the merits of vaccinations. reports: This is a major issue in the world today. It is a disturbing trend which is used to intimidate people into not questioning anything around them. Pharmaceuticals, Big Food, your government, all have the ability to subjugate the people by intimidating them into never questioning everything. This isn’t a Bill Mahar issue; this is an issue parents all around the world face on a daily basis. And it is sad, to say the least. People are told they are “anti-science” just for asking if vaccines are safe; just for saying they researched vaccines. If vaccines are so perfect, why are we condemning those who research them fairly? Their accolades should stand on their own merits and come out unscathed to a little push back. My biggest fear is that people are continuing never to question anything are going to lead us down a path of severely deprived autonomy. Our liberty is at stake [...]