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Brazil Deploys 200,000 Soldiers To Deal With Deadly Zika Virus

Brazil have deployed over 200,000 military troops to go ‘house to house’ in order to attempt to bring the Zika virus outbreak under control.  Zika-carrying mosquitoes have been blamed for causing a birth defect epidemic, rapidly spreading across the world. Soldiers will visit homes across Brazil offering advice and medical assistance to people suffering from the virus. reports: The government, under growing pressure to deal with the crisis, will also hand out repellent to at least 400,000 pregnant women on social welfare. The virus has been linked to serious birth defects, including microcephaly, in which babies born to women infected during pregnancy have abnormally small heads. Concerns remain that the terrifying virus could become a global issue with Rio hosting the Olympics in the summer. It comes as the World Health Organisation said that the virus, which is suspected causing horrific brain damage to babies, will spread throughout all countries in America except Chile and Canada. ‘Our investigation is on course to develop a better testing with respect to the prenatal transmission of the disease, and to better understand how the virus affects babies,’ said a spokesman for the organisation. A surge in incidents across Latin America, notably in Brazil, [...]