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British Woman Is First Patient To Test Natural Cancer Cure Vaccine

A British woman has become the world’s first patient to trial the first ever natural cancer cure administered via a vaccine.  The new vaccine has been designed to stimulate the body’s own immune system so that it destroys tumors that have spread in the body. 35-year-old Kelly Potter will trial the vaccine over the course of two years in an attempt to rid the cervical cancer she was diagnosed with in July 2015. reports: At the same time, the patients on the trial will be prescribed a chemotherapy drug that should, at low doses, “lift the brakes” on the immune system so that it is no longer prevented from attacking the body’s own cancer cells, scientists said. Ms Kelly, who lives in Beckenham, Kent, was diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer and was eligible for the trial at Guy’s Hospital in London because the disease has unfortunately spread to other sites in her body. “Although I had excellent treatment at Guy’s where the cancer was stabilised, it had already spread to spots on my liver and lungs. So when I was told that I may be eligible for this trial, I was delighted,” Ms Potter said. “To be part [...]