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Car Bomb Kills Police Officers In South East Turkey

A massive car bomb near police headquarters in Gaziantep, Turkey, has claimed the lives of at least two officers and injured more than 23 people. ISIS has been blamed for the care bombing and the planned International Labor Day demonstrations in the city were cancelled.  Russia Today reports: Footage from the scene showed pieces of a wrecked vehicle near the gates of the station. Glass from windows in buildings in the vicinity were also shattered, while all roads in the area have been closed for security purposes. The governor of Gaziantep Ali Yerlikaya said that two law enforcement officers had been killed in the bomb blast. He added that at least 19 police officers and four civilians had been injured. A security source says that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) are suspected of being responsible for the car bomb. Police are searching for a militant, while his father was detained in a raid carried out by law enforcement officers. A DNA test is expected to confirm whether the suspect carried out the attack, Reuters reports. Gaziantep Emniyet Müdürlüğü önünde bombalı saldırı Vali: Patlamada 1 polis şehit , 9 u polis 13 kişi yaralandı … — Atilla GÖNÜLLÜ (@atillagonullu) May 1, [...]