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The Caucasus: Fighting Breaks Out Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenia and Azerbaijan have started hostilities in the disputed Caucausus region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Overnight fighting saw Azeri and Armenian forces clash with tanks, mortar and artillery, resulting in casualties on both sides. Defense ministries of both nations have accused each other of provocation. Russia Today reports: Azerbaijan said Armenian troops opened fire 127 times over 24 hours along the border. They were using mortars and heavy machine guns, the statement released on Saturday morning said. Armenia said Azeri troops went on the offensive overnight and were using tanks, artillery and military aircraft. 18 Armenian soldiers were killed and 35 injured in the fighting with Azerbaijani forces on Saturday, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said. “Since the restoration of the truce in 1994, it’s the most large-scale warfare, which Azerbaijan has tried to carry out,” Sargsyan said at the National Security Council meeting. Yerevan distinguishes its own armed forces from those of the breakaway republic, while Baku considers them all Armenian. Militias in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh republic, the focal point of the conflict, claimed they shot down two Azeri helicopter gunboats and two drones, and destroyed at least two tanks. Azerbaijan confirmed losing one helicopter and one tank as well as 12 soldiers. Baku [...]