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Caught On Video: Maxine Waters Uses Funeral Speech To Push Trump Impeachment

What was supposed to be a remembrance ceremony for this man, comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory, yesterday turned mildly bizarre, which is a recurring theme as it were, when California congresswoman Maxine Waters took the stage.


Rather than focus on the lifetime accomplishments of Gregory or fond personal memories, you know all the stuff you would usually include in a eulogy, Waters decided a funeral ceremony was the perfect place to once again call Donald Trump a racist and demand his immediate impeachment.

“I’m cleaning out the White House.  We’re going to sanitize the White House. We’re not going to take what is happening in this country."


“Haven’t you taken enough?”


“And then comes along this person [Trump]...This person who does not respect you. This dishonorable human being who cheats everybody! This dishonorable human being who will lie at the drop of a hat. This dishonorable human being who has the alt-right, and the KKK and everybody else inside his Cabinet! This dishonorable human being who can criticize everybody but (Vladimir) Putin and Russia."


“Not only are we going to clean out the White House. We’re going to take back the house that slaves built!"


“And I know my colleagues get very upset. Some get afraid when I say ‘impeachment'...when I get through with Donald Trump, he’s going to wish he had been impeached!”


“I’m gonna say ‘Impeach 45 everyday,’ ‘Impeach 45 everyday,’ ‘Impeach 45 everyday.'”


Of course, if almost anyone other than Waters used the word "sanitize" in a racially-charged monologue describing what she would like to do to someone of another race, it would undoubtedly be front-page news for every political paper in the country...that said, somehow we suspect CNN will 'miss' this one.