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CNN: Russians Had Derogatory Intel on Trump and Wanted to Leverage It

Content originally published at

I can tell you with 100% certainty this is fake news. Not only is it fake news, it's completely fabricated out of thin air.

The Russian lies keep getting denser and denser. The longer we travel across this cobbled road paved by submental idiots, the more flat tires the main stream meteor receives.

Goebbels once said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Do you agree? I do.

CNN is claiming they have a 'Congressional source' (Maxine Waters?) who claims that she/he saw intel that suggested Russia had derogatory intel on Trump, which could've been used to leverage him.

Well, okay. That was what they tried to pin on Gen. Flynn, unsuccessfully. And, to be clear, this CNN source even states the whole thing could be complete bullshit, yet the sages and protectors of journalism at CNN report on this salacious headline as if it were fact.

They should be strung up from a very tall lamp post and strangled until dead.

Source: CNN

But the sources, privy to the descriptions of the communications written by US intelligence, cautioned the Russian claims to one another "could have been exaggerated or even made up" as part of a disinformation campaign that the Russians did during the election.
The details of the communication shed new light on information US intelligence received about Russian claims of influence. The contents of the conversations made clear to US officials that Russia was considering ways to influence the election -- even if their claims turned out to be false.

Let's refresh the minds of what we're talking about when the media says 'Russian interference.' They only mean the hacking into John Podesta's pizza rich email box.
To date, our 17 'intelligence agencies' (err, coast guard) have proven zero verifiable connections between Wikileaks and Russia. The only thing that has been presented to America and the world is conjecture.

Additionally, all of the unnamed sources and leaks that have attempted to draw a connection between Trump and Russia have proven zero, thus far. Again, the only thing that has been presented is conjecture.

Here is the only proof the FBI and DHS had provided to the American people so far.


None of the evidence or unnamed sources have stepped forward to help save the Republic from Trump to date because, obviously, it's better for America to remain embroiled in this endless scandal and division amongst party lines, in order to protect personae non gratae inside the 'IC', right?

As far as I am concerned, the only person who's made any sense during this saga is John 'Jungle Killer' McAfee.