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Dangerous Mexican Volcano Threatens To Erupt

Thousands of people are on evacuation alert as one of world’s most dangerous volcanoes shows signs of a possible catastrophic eruption. Vast clouds of black smoke and ash have been bellowing from the Popocatépetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City. The Mirror reports: The Popocatépetl volcano , located 35 miles from Mexico City, is showing warning signs for its first eruption since 2000. People within 10 miles of the mountain have been placed on yellow alert, ready to escape immediately if activity increases. Before the last Popocatépetl eruption, 41,000 people were evacuated in advance thanks to early warnings. Mexico City is the world’s fourth biggest city, with 20 million people. If it went up again, an estimated nine million could be in the blast zone. The glacier-covered 5,426 metre peak has erupted more than 20 times since 1519. Another Mexican volcano, Colima, could be about to blow for the first time in 100 years after expelling a 1.8 mile high cloud of smoke and ash. Mexico’s Disaster Prevention Centre said during the past 24 hours the volcano has emitted 16 “low intensity exhalations” and three explosions, according to El Universal . They urge people not to approach the peak, particularly [...]