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"Dash-For-Trash" Melt-Up Erases Post-Fed "Policy Error" Losses

The bigger they are...


The "Dash For Trash" continues...


As The open was another big short squeeze... 2nd biggest short squeeze day in 2 months and 2nd biggest 2-week squeeze in 10 months


Bad Breadth-er...


The S&P 500 was ramped perfectly into the Green year-to-date... "Mission Accomplished"


Small Caps and S&P are back in the green post-FOMC...


With stocks back above bonds post-FOMC and the miracle of crude from worst to first...


And The Dow and The S&P 500 to the 200DMA/500DMA cross...


This is the best 3-day run for Trannies since the bounce off the August Black Monday lows...


No, this is not China... this is American stocks TODAY!!!


Nike went from hero to zero...


FANGs are not playing along...


Here's why stocks are ripping...


But something odd is going on again in the Oil ETF/Vol complex...


"Oil Prices may be showing signs of stabilization here" said one spewing head on CNBC!! - yeah just like in August? One big stop-run...


Treasury yields continued to rise today with 30Y reaching pre-Fed levels before bonds rallied into the close...


The USDollar Index fell after overnight strength - reversing a recent intraday pattern...


Anything look odd here in commodity-land?


And RBOB soared over 7%...


As Bob Pisani says "it makes perfect sense."


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: The number of barrels of oil an ounce of gold will buy is highest in 30 years...