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Data Of Japanese Zoo Leaked By Anonymous To Protest Animal Abuse

A group of Anonymous hackers who call themselves ‘KarmaSec’ have leaked data from a Japanese zoo in protest against animal abuse and brutality in Japan. In a tweet, the group claim they had hacked into the server of Japan’s Yamaguchi Prefecture Tourism Promotion Division’s website. AnonHQ reports: The group targeted the Akiyoshidai Safari Land Natural Zoo located in Yamaguchi, and threatened to release even more data if the zoo did not release all of its animals. They appear to have even more incriminating data. Release ALL of the animals! Warning you is too late. Your shit has been leaked to the public. If you do not release the animals we will continue. PS: Smile mother fuckers you have been exposed! #KarmaSec@H4x0rsUnd3rgr0u#Dumped Japan Akiyoshidai Safari Land-natural zoo Database — The KarmaSec HQ (@KarmaSecHQ) March 18, 2016 Anonymous had previously brought down Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s official website in protest of Japan’s cruel whaling practices, via #OpKillingBay. They had also hacked several Japanese finance firm’s, the Japanese Ministry of Finance’s, the Financial Services Agency’s and Nissan Motor’s websites. Last year, Anonymous also took down the world’s largest animal abuse and bestiality forum with #OpBeast.