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The Deep State's Top Choice For President Is...


Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

As we’ve been warning, this market is extremely vulnerable. Watch out.

Leftist war-harpy Hillary Clinton – the candidate of the country’s assembled cronies and zombies, in short, the prototypical Deep State representative. We feel reminded of an aged Cersei Lannister every time we contemplate Ms.“best cattle futures trader in the world” (more). Whatever you do America, please refrain from making this harridan your president. Nothing could possibly be worse. Luckily, even syphilis is more popular than Hillary among young voters. This fills us with hope.


Meanwhile… who’s the crony? Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton is the Deep State’s top choice for president.  She has already received $21 million from Wall Street for her campaign. That’s 280 times more than Bernie Sanders.

This is why Sanders and Donald Trump are doing so well in the polls. People are catching on to how the system works. They know they are being taken for fools. According to a recent CNN poll, 69% of Americans are either “very angry” or “somewhat angry” about “the way things are going” in the U.S.

And according to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the same percentage – 69% – are angry because the U.S. political system “seems to only be working for the insiders with money and power, like those on Wall Street or in Washington.” Among young voters, according to a well-watched video, “syphilis is more popular than Hillary.

But Clinton is the crony favorite, supported by Wall Street and the Pentagon. In the old days, the conservatives believed the U.S. government was the devil at home and an angel abroad. The liberals believed the government was an angel at home and a devil overseas. Hillary believes that government always wears wings – at home and abroad.


Hillary Clinton: welfare/warfare statist par excellence.


The Rise of the Outsiders

The young and the plain folk know it isn’t so. They put on uniforms. They salute the flag. They do their military service. They pay their taxes. But they know something is wrong.

They don’t necessarily understand how the system works. But they know it is rigged against them. So, they turn to outsiders Trump and Sanders. The Washington Examiner reports:

“In a nearly one-hour speech, Trump railed against pharmaceutical companies. He railed against oil companies. And insurance companies. And defense contractors. And he set himself against a political system that he said allows big-money corporate “bloodsuckers” to control the government with campaign contributions.


“Whether it’s the insurance companies, or the drug companies, or the oil companies, it’s all the same thing,” Trump said. “We’re never going to get our country back if we keep doing this.”


Bernie and the Donald – you only have to follow mainstream media reportage on these two to realize that they are positively scaring the cr*p out of the establishment. Yes, many of their policies are absolutely hair-raising nonsense…but both also have a handful of praiseworthy ideas, which incidentally are precisely the kind of things that are held to be “beyond debate” by the ruling crony elite.


As former Washington insider turned Deep State whistleblower Mike Lofgren put it in the January issue of Bonner & Partners Investor Network:

“What Trump and Sanders have in common is they are not your typical politicians. And don’t think that doesn’t scare the daylights out of the political establishment.”