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Democrat Congressman Admits ‘Obama Wiretapped Everyone, Even Me’

Former Ohio Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich has become the latest Democrat to roll over and squeal on his former comrades, telling Fox & Friends that Obama was a serial wiretapper – and he knows this from personal experience.  “I can vouch for the fact that extracurricular surveillance does occur, whether or not it is officially approved,” Kucinich said. Former president Obama was a serial wiretapper, using any excuse to listen in to his rivals private conversations. He developed such a taste for it that he even tapped the phones of his Democratic Party comrades. “I was wiretapped in 2011 after taking a phone call in my congressional office after taking a call from a foreign leader,” Kucinich continued. “The fact is that if a member of Congress can have a phone call intercepted, there is no one safe. It is plausible that a presidential candidate could have had his phone calls tapped.“ Kucinich also slammed the Obama administration for being “out of control with this surveillance stuff.“ “The larger question is, what about the rights of Americans to privacy? We have five constitutional amendments that are meant to protect our privacy. Now we learn from WikiLeaks that things like an iPhone [...]