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DHS Chaos: US Borders ‘Wide Open’ As Top Leaders Quit

Insiders at the DHS have warned that the nations security is at risk as bosses are leaving the agency en masse since Trump’s election victory. According to six DHS sources, Trump’s controversial executive orders have caused an avalanche of mass departures from senior staffers which have left the agency in “complete chaos”. reports: This means senior staff who would otherwise be asked to leave may be kept on while the agency figures out how to respond to the inundation of executive orders from President Trump. It mirrors similar staffing issues at other cabinet departments as well as at the White House. “Anybody in a position of power is not there, they’re all in hiding” said one DHS official. “People are just freaking out and running for the hills.” “People that got their jobs and promotion under the Obama administration are fearful. So, there’s lots of them in hiding while the rest of us await word from someone—I don’t even know who—about how to respond to the executive orders from Trump,” a department official confessed to The Daily Beast. The exodus began last Friday when rumors swirled throughout divisions of possible announcements of acting under secretaries for the department would be announced [...]

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