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Dozens Of Turkish Military Vehicles Cross Syrian Border

Dozens of Turkish military vehicles have reportedly crossed the Syrian border over border into Afrin a Kurdistani area. The military vehicles advanced 200 meters into the Syrian Kurdish region in Aleppo province on Thursday and troops have began to dig a trench according to the Kurdish NHA news agency. RT reports: It added that the troops started digging a trench between the towns of Sorka and Meydan Ekbis. According to the agency the construction of a concrete wall on the Syrian border in the area is ongoing as well. The agency posted photos of ongoing operations on its website. #Rojava#Syrie Des dizaines de blindés de militaires du régime turc ont passé la frontière de Syrie/Rojava de 200m — InfoRojava-Kurdistan (@info_Rojava) February 18, 2016 The Syrian Afrin district bordering Turkey is predominantly Kurdish with a population estimated to be of more than 170,000 people according to a 2004 census. The area is part of a de facto autonomous region of Rojava, or Syrian Kurdistan since 2013. A Turkish security source told Reuters that they country’s military shelled Kurdish YPG militia positions in northern Syria on Thursday. The source added that the shelling came in response to cross-border fire. The developments come [...]