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The Dream Is Over - Baltic Dry Bounce Ends

Despite its 98% crash from 2008 highs, and its plunge to record (35 year-plus) lows, the recent rally (off sub-300 lows) sparked a wave of exuberance with such luminaries as Jim Cramer proclaiming this a sign that everything is fixed again in China. Having risen non-stop since Feb 10th, coincidentally the same time that the entire world suddenly and unexplainedly went full risk-on short-squeeze buy-buy-buy, The Baltic Dry Index dropped today - which should not surprise many as China's Containerized Freight Index crashes to record lows...


The Baltic Dry drops for the first time since Feb 10th...


It appears BDIY gets over-excited relative to CCFI's lead...


And tthis won't help...

With Iron Ore prices down 6 days in a row, the entire hope-strewn short-squeeze has been erased.