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Dutch Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders Convicted Of Insulting, Inciting Discrimination Against Moroccans

A Dutch court convicted politician Geert Wilders of insulting and incting discrimination against Maroccans, but it imposed no penalty on him while clearing him of inciting hatred. Wilders was charged regarding a 2014 incident in which he urged his supporters to chant they wanted “Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!” Moroccans in the Netherlands. The Dutch Moroccan minority was outraged and pressed charges.

Prosecutors say that Wilders, who in 2011 was acquitted at another hate speech trial for his outspoken criticism of Islam, overstepped the limits of free speech by specifically targeting Moroccans. He had denied the charges and insisted he was performing his duty as a political leader by pointing out a problem in society.

Abdou Menebhi, president of the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Migration and Development, welcomed the judgment. "For us, it's a very important verdict," he told The Associated Press. "This gives the Moroccans who felt like victims a renewed belief in a democratic society."

He said it also sent a message to Wilders' supporters to be careful. "This man is not looking for solutions for you," Menebhi said. "His is an ideology of smearing Europe, migrants, Muslims, without offering alternatives."

Wilders was not in court for the verdict that came just over three months before national elections. His Party for Freedom is narrowly leading a nationwide poll of polls and has risen in popularity during the trial.

The EU Observer reports that the court said it has “legally and convincingly proven” that Wilders insulted Moroccans as a group. Meanwhile, Wilders denied any wrongdoing, saying the comments he made, which also included referring to Moroccans as “scum,” are protected as free speech. Commenting on the verdict, Judge Hendrik Steenhuis said the court decided not to impose a sentence on Wilders, as the conviction was punishment enough for a democratically-elected lawmaker.

Wilders is now planning to appeal his conviction, RTL Nieuws reported. He has two weeks to do so. The Dutch anti-EU politician, has made a name for himself as an outspoken orator, often provoking outrage with his remarks. He repeatedly said his trial is a politically-motivated attempt to damage the image of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PPV), which is headed by Wilders and which has become the most popular party in opinion polls recently, with an election in the Netherlands just around the corner.

In a tweet following the announcement of the court’s decision, Wilders said his conviction was “madness,” and called the judges “haters” of his far-right party.

Wilders quickly released a video message, in English and Dutch, slamming the judgment and vowing to appeal. "Today, I was convicted in a political trial which, shortly before the elections, attempts to neutralize the leader of the largest and most popular opposition party," Wilders said. "They will not succeed."

Even before the hearing, Wilders had vowed not to be silenced. "Whatever the verdict, I will continue to speak the truth about the Moroccan problem, and no judge, politician or terrorist will stop me," he tweeted.