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Eight Family Members Massacred In Ohio ‘Execution Style’

Eight members of the Rhoden family were gunned down at their homes and at different locations in Pike County, Ohio on Friday. Three children survived the massacre, but two others are among the dead, including a 16-year-old male victim. Police do not know how many gunmen were involved but are warning that the suspect or suspects are armed and dangerous. RT reports: The surviving children are 4 days old, 6 months old, and 3 years old, Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader said during a Friday afternoon press conference. The victims and survivors are all members of the Rhoden family. Reader said he knew the family because Pike County is a small community, but refused to say anymore about them because they are grieving and he wanted to respect that. “We are doing everything in our power to reach out to the [surviving] Rhodens,” he added. The first 911 calls were received around 7:53 a.m. local time, notifying police of two males covered in blood at a home, Reader said. While they were responding to the first location, sheriff’s deputies were flagged down and given two additional addresses. There they found additional victims who had been shot and killed. “Each one of the victims [...]