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Ex-CIA Analyst: Controlled Politicians And Why The World Hates U.S.

Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explains to Americans who naively ask, “why does the world hates us?” and why seasoned intelligence professionals reaffirm that torture is not only unjust, but does not work in getting good results, despite propagation from “tough on terror” politicians. It may seem counterintuitive that those whose analysis has been correct on key issues that the U.S. government got criminally wrong – like the invasion of Iraq in 2003 – would be blacklisted from “mainstream” media and ostracized by the Smart People of the Establishment. Alas, that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Forget the continuing carnage in which hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions made refugees. Within the mainstream U.S. media and around Washington’s major policy circles, there is little serious dialogue, much less debate about what went so hideously wrong; and Americans still naively wonder – regarding the people on the receiving end of the blunderbuss violence – “why they hate us.” After more than a decade since their founding, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity still feel it is their duty to “spread some truth around,” despite the hurdles of doing so. On Torture, Pols & Polls Some polls purport to show that a majority of Americans still think that [...]