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Ex-NSA Director Says America Has Too Many Secret Hacks

Former director of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), Michael Hayden says that the U.S. keeps too many cyber-attacks secret. The retired U.S. Air Force four-star general said in an interview that the government and businesses keep cyber attacks a secret for their own reasons and that the country is ill prepared to deal with the ever increasing threat from hackers. A joint venture between government and business is needed to take control of hacking in general; to be able to learn from it and deal with it, particularly when it comes to dealing with foreign hackers who could cause massive disruptions if they were to hack into public utility infrastructures. To take control also allows to call out foul play by bad actors when it occurs, as opposed to remaining silent for political sensitivity, or lack of transparency. CNN Money reports: “The government hideously over-classifies it,” Hayden said. “And the private sector, for fiduciary reasons, is reluctant to share it.” In November, a CNNMoney investigation detailed how Corporate America keeps huge hacks secret. Power plants, dams and other parts of America’s backbone hide hundreds of successful hacks from the public each year — and a little-known federal policy keeps it all under [...]