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"Far-Right Hooligans" Clash With Riot Police At Anti-ISIS Protests In Brussels - Live Feed

Brussels is restless.

Protesters and demonstrators gathered in the Place De la Bourse on Sunday and riot police were forced to step in when far-right activists pushed out Belgians bearing flowers and lighting candles.

"We don't believe in candles and flowers. That is for the dead," one demonstrator, who described himself as a "hooligan from Ghent" told The Telegraph who reports that "nearly 400 far-right "hooligans" have gathered at Place de la Bourse, in what they describe as an "anti-Isil" protest."

"We want answers from the government. There are too many fanatics in this country," they said. Here's more from Bloomberg:

  • Belgian riot police respond to riots in downtown Brussels, televised reports show. 
  • Police confronting far-right protesters describing themselves as football fans, according to media reports.
  • Between 500 and 1,000 people people gathered near Brussels stock exchange, according to RTBF television
  • Belgian metro operator STIB says it has stopped service in area where riots are taking place
  • BBC shows water cannon fired on protesters in Place de la Bourse

You'll note that it was also self-styled "footbal fans" who stormed the train station in Stockholm earlier this year after reports suggested the terminal had been commandeered by marauding Moroccan migrant children.

"A Brussels square that has been a memorial site turned agitated on Sunday when black-clad men started shouting slogans and carrying a banner with an expletive against the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria," TIME writes. "Hundreds of people were remembering the 31 victims of Tuesday’s attacks when dozens of men, some in balaklavas and anonymous masks, barged to the center of Place de la Bourse and mounted the steps of the stock exchange building." And while we don't want to jump to conclusions, there certainly do appear to be some Nazi salutes visible in the crowd. Or maybe they're just pointing to something - with all four fingers. 

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