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FBI To Interview Hillary Clinton Over Email Scandal

The FBI have announced plans to set-up formal interviews in their investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and have said that they intend to interview Hillary herself very soon.  Federal prosecutors will begin interviewing Clinton’s longtime and closest aids, before moving onto Clinton herself. reports: No dates have been set for questioning the advisors, but a federal prosecutor in recent weeks has called their lawyers to alert them that he would soon be doing so, the sources said. Prosecutors also are expected to seek an interview with Clinton herself, though the timing remains unclear. The interviews by FBI agents and prosecutors will play a significant role in helping them better understand whether Clinton or her aides knowingly or negligently discussed classified government secrets over a non-secure email system when she served as secretary of State. The meetings also are an indication that much of the investigators’ background work – recovering deleted emails, understanding how the server operated and determining whether it was breached – is nearing completion. “The interviews are critical to understand the volume of information they have accumulated,” said James McJunkin, former head of the FBI’s Washington field office.  “They are likely nearing the end of the investigation and the agents need to interview [...]