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French Journalist Arrested After Exposing Israeli Link To Paris Attacks

Investigative journalist Hicham Hamza was detained by French police last month after exposing Israel’s role in orchestrating the Paris Attacks on November 13, 2015.  Police charged Hamza with “violating judicial secrecy,” and have threatened him with potential prison time for a photo Hamza published online. Below is a translation of Hicham Hamza’s article describing his arrest: Detained by police for investigating the attacks in Paris An independent journalist and founder of the investigative website Panamza, I was detained for seven hours by police about an article in which I revealed the Israeli origin of the shocking photo of the Bataclan. On Monday, February 22nd, I went of my own accord to the police station in response to a summons from the Crimes Against Persons Brigade, located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The day before, I had received an “urgent” voice message from an official of the Directorate of the Judicial Police asking me to call him immediately. The reason: my  December 15th article entitled “Bataclan Carnage: The shocking photo was disseminated from Jerusalem.” I was familiar with the Judicial Police premises, having been summoned twice to respond to “defamation” complaints brought against me by Caroline Fourest and Pierre Bergé. Surprise! This time, upon arrival I was “placed [...]