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Geek Squad Employee Spied On Customers For The FBI

An IT employee from Best Buy who worked in the companies ‘Geek Squad’ department was put in place by the FBI in order to spy on members of the public, a court has heard.  The employee has become the central issue in a case involving a Newport Beach doctor facing child porn charges which came about as a result of the FBI plant at the company. The doctor’s lawyer says the FBI effectively recruited the employee to act as a spy for them, performing warrantless searches on electronic devices. reports: Since 2009, “the FBI was dealing with a paid agent inside the Geek Squad who was used for the specific purpose of searching clients’ computers for child pornography and other contraband or evidence of crimes,” defense attorney James Riddet claimed in a court filing last month. Riddet represents Dr. Mark Albert Rettenmaier, a gynecological oncologist who practiced at Hoag Hospital until his indictment in November 2014 on two felony counts of possession of child pornography. Rettenmaier, who is free on bond, has taken a leave from seeing patients, Riddet said. Federal prosecutors declined to talk about the case on the record, but in court filings, they contested the idea [...]