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Germany In ‘Total Shock’ As Proof Emerges Of U.S. Support Of ISIS

The Russian Ministry of Defence has reported that German Air Force commanders have been left in “total shock” after uncovering evidence that the United States is cooperating with ISIS and helping them to steal oil from Syria and Iraq.  According to commanders, two Luftwaffe Tornado jets armed with suveillance equipment flew a three hour flight over Iraq and Syria to gather intellience. During the flight, they were able to verify nearly 12,000 ISIS tankers and trucks  carrying stolen oil with the full protection of US and Turkish air forces. reports: As Aerospace Forces aircraft are only able to operate legally under international law in the Syrian region of the Levant War Zone where they have used their considerable might to obliterate Islamic State oil facilities and tankers, this report explains, the Iraqi region is under the protection of the US Air Force who continue to allow this massive crime to occur without stopping it. To what Germany’s “action/reaction” will be upon their Luftwaffe surveillance aircraft verifying for themselves today the full monstrosity of what the Obama regime is really doing to support Islamic State terrorists, this report notes, had previously been noted by President Putin who in warning those Western [...]