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Hezbollah Says Israel Is Training Saudi Forces

The deputy chief of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement has said that Israel is training Saudi military forces under the framework of clandestine relations between the two countries. The senior official, Sheikh Naim Qassem told Lebanese media that Dozens of Saudi military officers are being trained after secret contacts developed into military cooperation. He said that the secret relations between Riyadh and Jerusalem led to the Saudi decision, as part of the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council, to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Press TV reports: “The Saudis are currently fulfilling the cycle of the Israeli project in public and secret meetings,” Sheikh Qassem was reported as saying. The cleric touched on Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir’s remarks earlier this month after Egypt transferred control of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia. Jubeir said Riyadh “will honor all of Egypt’s legal and international commitments in regard to the two islands,” in a clear reference to Cairo’s commitments to Israel. Under the Camp David Accords, signed between Egypt and Israel in 1979, Cairo has undertaken to guarantee freedom of navigation for Israeli ships in the area. Egypt transferred the sovereignty of the strategic Tiran and Sanafir islands in the Red Sea to Saudi [...]