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Hillary’s Email Server Guy Takes Fifth In Court Deposition

Hillary Clinton’s server guy who oversaw the running of her private email server when she was Secretary of State, has pleaded the fifth to avoid a court deposition. Bryan Pagliano is refusing to testify in a federal court, fearing that his recorded deposition could later be released to the public. Despite his immunity in the Hillary email investigation, Pagliano is refusing to cooperate with authorities in case evidence emerges that Hillary broke the law. reports: The Washington Post, which runs interference for Hillary on this issue as often as not, reports it like this: On Wednesday, Pagliano’s lawyers said he will decline to testify in the Judicial Watch case and asked that U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the District order that no video of the deposition be recorded “given the constitutional implications, the absence of any proper purpose . . . and the considerable risk of abuse.” “Mr. Pagliano is a nonparty caught up in a lawsuit with an undisputed political agenda,” Connor Mullin wrote in a court filing that also raised the concern that Pagliano’s constitutionally protected statements might be manipulated into “soundbites” for attack ads. An existing court order seals video records, but while that “reduces the risk of dissemination,” [...]