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Hundreds Of Violent Inauguration Rioters Indicted On Felony Charges

The crackdown on George Soros incited protests has begun, with over two hundred rioters indicted on felony charges after smashing up shops and injuring police in downtown Washington during violent protests during and after President Donald Trump’s inauguration. According to reports, 214 of the most violent rioters have been indicted so far, with hundreds more expected to be charged as law enforcement moves to punish the ringleaders, including celebrities who incited violence and chief organizer and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers – who just so happens to be a good friend of Barack Obama. On Tuesday, a grand jury in DC charged five individuals, bringing the total to 214 rioters facing years behind bars. A felony rioting charge carries a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. CNN reports that protests over Donald Trump’s inauguration turned violent when black-clad “anti-fascist” protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police. Officers responded by launching smoke and flash-bang devices into the street to disperse the crowds. Six police officers were injured and 230 protesters were arrested that day. The indictment accuses the defendants of using a tactic called “Black Bloc” in which people conceal their [...]

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