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"I'm Concerned For My Friend The President... They Are Going To Find Something"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Robert Kiyosaki is the well known author of the widely popular Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. As an outside-the-box thinker Kiyosaki has recently suggested that the U.S. economy is under so much pressure that it is in real danger of collapse. He is also a long-time advocate of gold and silver as a way to protect wealth during times of financial calamity. Kiyosaki happens to be a very good friend of President Donald Trump, with whom he has written two books.

In the following interview with, he says that America is not only in serious trouble because of a poor education system, corrupt bureaucrats and socialist-leaning government employees, but that entrenched Deep State elites are feverishly working to take down the President.

In dealing with Donald… he’s straight… he listens… he makes decision quickly…


And I think that’s his Achilles heel… You know, because bureaucrats, all they want is to keep their jobs… they’re not here to get the job done.


So I feel for my friend Donald… he is a great man.. he has the same disease I have… foot and mouth… or Tweet and mouth…


I’m so politically incorrect… that’s what he is… it’s so unfortunate… everybody says ‘well, stop Tweeting.”


Well, it’s Donald… People look at that covfefe he Tweeted… but at the same time he went to NATO and he said to NATO, “pay up… you guys are not paying your bills.”

Then he went to Saudi Arabia and said “let’s kick ISIS’ butt.”


That’s the kind of leader he is… but the press never covers that…



Our whole system is suspect right now… it’s all these bureaucrats and people with their hands in pockets… why does a politician go into office poor and leave rich?


How does it happen? That’s corruption… but nobody says anything about that.



My concern for my friend the President… they are going to find something… it doesn’t make a difference what they find… they will find something.

Just this week we learned that Democrats in Congress, reportedly with the support of some Republicans, are spearheading a new law that would create an “Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity.” The committee would be a bi-partisan panel designed specifically to investigate President Trump’s mental health and to oust him under the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Considering that non-conformity has now been identified by psychiatrists as a mental disorder, it should be clear, as Robert Kiyosaki warns, that finding a reason, any reason, to get rid of Trump would be a fairly straightforward process with the right people involved in the investigations.

Coupled with a variety of investigations and accusations involving everything from Russian collusion to alleged blackmailing of MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski about an Enquirer article, if the Deep State wants to find something, they absolutely will.