The Director of the US National Intelligence Agency has warned that ISIS are preparing to launch a chemical weapon attack against the United States. Speaking at a global security conference in Munich, James Clapper warned that the terror group are in possession of chemical weapons, and have already used them numerous times in both Iraq and Syria. reports: “It is pretty clear that they [Daesh] have used this [chemical weapons] numerous times, it is very clear aspirationally they would like to do more and it is a concern to us in the United States because the indications are that they would like to use chemical weapons against us,” Clapper said. “Potentially it is a game changer, there are all kinds of scary scenarios you are able to conjure up if, in fact, Daesh is able to enhance its competence with chemical weapons,” he added. Last year, civilians in Ghouta, near the Syrian capital of Damascus, had fallen victim to an ISIL chemical attack involving mustard gas. Moreover, the terror group has reportedly taken over Iraqi chemical weapons factories, with the US military officials confirming its use of a “mustard agent” against Kurdish Peshmerga fighters on August 11 in the [...]