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Iran Deploy Warships To Atlantic Ocean

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari has announced that Iran is going to send a fleet of warships to the Atlantic Ocean in the coming weeks.  Sayyari said that after the Iranian new year (March 20) the Iranian Navy plan to have a presence in the Atlantic Ocean. reports: He made the remarks on the sidelines of a ceremony to open an exhibition of Navy achievements in the Southern city of Khorramshahr city on Thursday. Sayyari told the Islamic republic news agency that presence in free seas indicates the Iranian Navy’s capabilities in establishment of security. He added that presence in free seas, specially in North of Indian Ocean that is a bottleneck from an economic aspect, is among achievements that was fulfilled upon guidelines of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei. In relevant remarks earlier this month, Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Gholam Reza Khadem Biqam announced that Iran is moving ahead with a large scale navy modernization program for wider presence in the high seas. Speaking to FNA in the Northern city of Rasht, Khadem Bigham said the new warships will be self-sufficient, bigger, and equipped with the latest [...]