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Iran's Ayatollah Accuses Obama Of Creating ISIS, Says Trump Exposes "Real Face" Of American Moral Corruption

Trump's ongoing spat with Iran escalated on Tuesday, when Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei dismissed the US president's warning to Iran to stop its missile tests, saying the new U.S. president had shown the "real face" of American corruption. "We are thankful to (Trump) for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America," Khamenei said according to his website. He made the remarks in an address to the commanders of the Army Air Force on the verge of the Islamic Revolution’s victory anniversary which falls on February 10 this year.

"During his election campaign and after that, he confirmed what we have been saying for more than 30 years about the political, economic, moral and social corruption in the U.S. ruling system," he added. It is unclear if Trump's domestic opponents will be quick to agree with the Iranian.

Provocatively, the Supreme Leader once again alleged that it was the US that created ISIS:

"The new U.S. president says Iran should thank Obama! Why?! Should we thank him for [creating] ISIS, the ongoing wars in Iraq and Syria, or the blatant support for the 2009 sedition in Iran? He was the president who imposed paralyzing sanctions on the Iranian nation; of course, he did not achieve what he desired. No enemy can ever paralyze the Iranian nation."

Quoted by Reuters, in his first speech since Trump's inauguration, the Ayatollah  called on Iranians to respond to Trump's "threats" which failed to frighten Iranians, on the February 10th anniversary of the 1979 revolution.

"No enemy can paralyze the Iranian nation," Khamenei said. "(Trump) says 'you should be afraid of me'. No! The Iranian people will respond to his words on Feb. 10 and will show their stance against such threats."

Report of the meeting and the full text of Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech, per IRNA, follows

The Iranian nation will respond to Trump's words in a demonstration on February 10th: they will exhibit the stance the Iranian nation takes when threatened.


In this meeting the Leader of the Revolution stated: 'The new U.S. president says Iran should thank Obama! Why?! Should we thank him for [creating] ISIS, the ongoing wars in Iraq and Syria, or the blatant support for the 2009 sedition in Iran? He was the president who imposed paralyzing sanctions on the Iranian nation; of course, he did not achieve what he desired. No enemy can ever paralyze the Iranian nation.'


Ayatollah Khamenei further tapped on Trump’s recent comment which involved 'putting Iran on notice'. He added, 'Trump says fear me! No. The Iranian nation will respond to your comments with a demonstration on the 10th of February: they will show others what kind of stance the nation of Iran takes when threatened.”


His Eminence stated: “We actually thank this new president [Trump]! We thank him, because he made it easier for us to reveal the real face of the United States. What we have been saying, for over thirty years, about political, economic, moral, and social corruption within the U.S. ruling establishment, he came out and exposed during the election campaigns and after the elections. Now, with everything he is doing—handcuffing a child as young as 5 at an airport—he is showing the reality of American human rights.'


Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the audience that, “The incident of the February 8, 1979 was unexpected for the regime and a blessing from God we were not counting upon. An unexpected provision should be hoped for in anything that the believing front does: it is true that logical and material calculations are necessary, but sometimes we should open up to counting on the supernatural too.'


He further added, “Such a blessing is achieved through endeavor and wisdom, accompanied by hope and trust in God; however, if we use wisdom and prudence along with trusting the Satan, the result will be a mirage. In any matter, including diplomacy and the country’s problems it is true that trusting demons and the materialistic power, which oppose your essence, leads to a mirage.”

We anticipate another prompt outburst from Trump's twitter timeline, which will spark further concerns that the two nations are on collision course to at least terminating the Iran nuclear deal, if not more kinetic action. Keep an eye on US navy vessels in the gulf, and of course, the price of crude for hints if the market is getting nervous about the outcome.