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ISIS Insider Reveals Plans To Infiltrate U.S. Via Mexico Border

An ISIS insider has told U.S. prosecutors that the terrorist organisation has plans to infiltrate America by entering via the Mexican-U.S. border, allowing militants from Syria to execute attacks on U.S. soil.  Gules Ali Omar, one of the men accused in Minnesota of trying to join ISIS, informed the Islamic State about the route it could take so that militants could carry out attacks on America. reports: The document, filed Wednesday, is one of many filed in recent weeks as prosecutors and defense attorneys argue about which evidence should be allowed at the men’s trial, which starts May 9. The men — Omar, 21; Hamza Naj Ahmed, 21; Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 22; and Abdirahman Yasin Daud, 22 — have pleaded not guilty to multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit murder outside the U.S. Prosecutors have said they were part of a group of friends in Minnesota’s Somali community who held secret meetings and plotted to join the Islamic State group. Five other men have pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy to support a foreign terrorist organization. A tenth man charged in the case is at-large, believed to be in Syria. The government’s document was filed in response to [...]