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ISIS Leaders Using Fake Identities To Leave Syria

ISIS security forces and senior leaders are seizing civilian identity documents from residents in Raqqa to use for leaving the besieged de-facto Islamic State capital and Syria. Fars News reports: “The ISIL forces, under different pretexts, order the civilians in Raqqa to deliver their identity documents to the groups’ officials and tell them that the Hasaba (the ISIL monitoring system) will call them later to give their identity cards back,” Sheikh Mohammad al-Daham said, adding, “But this is a big lie and Hasaba gives the documents to the senior officials of the terrorist group to use them while leaving Syria to find a safer place in other countries.” “A large number of the ISIL officials and commander have sold their expensive cars and trying to issue fake passport to flee Raqqa and find shelter in Turkey or Iraq,” al-Daham said. “The ISIL forces are aware that al-Tanf border crossing to Jordan and Iraq will be closed in the coming weeks as a results of the pro-government forces’ advances against the terrorists and only a small group of the ISIL will remain in Central deserts of Syria,” he went on to say. Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) [...]