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It Is Now A Criminal Offence To Take A Screenshot With Your Phone

People who take a screenshot of their mobile phone may face up to 2-years in prison under strict laws in the UK.  Users caught screen-grabbing pictures on popular apps such as Snapchat, without the original owners consent, could be sued and face jail time, according to The Independent. British copyright law makes it illegal for anybody to copy an image and make it publicly available without explicit consent from the original owner. reports: In addition, those caught saving and sharing ‘raunchy’ snaps could be looking at a much more serious crime. Those convicted of violating Section 33 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 — which deems it an offence to disclose private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress — could face up to two years behind bars. According to a Channel 4 News investigation, Generation Sex, the sharing of explicit pictures has become normal teenage behaviour in the U.K. “I get asked for naked pictures…at least two or three times a week,” one 15-year-old girl said. Jon Brown of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) said the investigation uncovered a “very regular and normal” consumption of hardcore adult pornography [...]