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Jeremy Corbyn Refuses To Denounce Hamas & Hezbollah

The British Labour Party leader has rejected calls to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah while vowing to continue talking to the two groups. Jeremy Corbyn refused to denounce the groups in the wake of calls from Jewish leaders, the Israeli Ambassador and members of his own party to distance himself from those with anti-Semitic views. A statement from Corbyn’s spokesperson said he would continue to engage such groups, denying that doing so was tantamount to an endorsement. Press TV reports: On Monday, Israel’s opposition leader Tzipi Livni said that Britain should condemn “anti-Semitism for the sake of its own core values.” Israeli Ambassador Regev called on Corbyn to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah and pay a visit to Tel Aviv to build bridges. Regev referred to Corbyn’s earlier support for the Islamic resistance movements, which were labeled as terrorist organizations by Britain. A number of British Jews also urged Corbyn to display clarity about having relations with the two groups. In response to the ongoing calls to reject Hamas and Hezbollah, Corbyn’s spokesman issued a statement on Sunday, saying, “Jeremy Corbyn has been a longstanding supporter of Palestinian rights and the pursuit of peace and justice in the Middle East through dialogue [...]